Identification of the person in charge
We inform you that the personal data you provide us is incorporated into a processing of personal data called APP MOBILES which responsible is BORJA ADÁN MARTÍNEZ with NIF 53634915L and residing in CALLE HENARES 1, Ed. 8 P. 4 1ºB, 28816 de CAMARMA DE ESTERUELAS, MADRID (SPAIN). You can contact with the Person in charge, either by telephone in the number 625406542 or by means of electronic mail in the mailbox
Data Protection Delegate
There is no designated Data Protection Delegate.
File with personal data of customers and users who use our mobile application and, therefore, the services offered through it. Typification of the purpose: - Management of clients and/or suppliers - Management of the APP Advertising and commercial prospecting - E-commerce
Conservation period
The conservation period is: The data processing is justified and based on the purposes described above, MANAGEMENT OF CUSTOMERS AND / OR SUPPLIERS, MANAGEMENT OF THE APP, ADVERTISING AND COMMERCIAL PROSPECTION, ELECTRONIC COMMERCE so the duration and termination of treatment operations is subject to the existence and maintenance of such purposes.
Automated decisions and profiling.
No automated decisions will be made.
Legal Basis of Treatment
Consent of the interested party. For all the purposes that have been specified and typified in the previous section. LEGITIMATE INTEREST. For the purpose of advertising and commercial prospecting. It refers exclusively to the treatment or processing of data for conventional prospecting and other forms of marketing or advertising, including direct marketing. According to Recital 47 of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679, General Data Protection, the legitimate interest could arise "when there is a relevant and appropriate relationship between the data subject and the responsible, such as in situations where the data subject is a customer or is at the service of the responsible", as is precisely the case here. Recital 47 of the RGPD adds that "The processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes may be considered as being carried out for legitimate interest". In addition, the Opinion of the Article 29 Working Party (WG29) No. 06/2014 of April 9, 2014, on the concept of legitimate interest of the data controller, includes as possible or eventual "legitimate interest" both "conventional prospecting and other forms of marketing or advertising" and "processing for research purposes (including market research)". In the case of the Data Responsible identified in this Activity File, the legitimate interest is justified because it is a very specific case in which the processing of data is necessary and unavoidable for the purpose of advertising and commercial prospecting, which can be carried out correctly thanks to the use of direct marketing techniques that are appropriate and suitable, and which in no case involve a high objective risk to the rights of the data subjects. In this case, the Data Responsible has no other means to satisfy the legitimate interest that are less invasive. In short, it is a legitimate interest that is lawful according to the wording of recital 47 of the RGPD and the interpretation that has been made to date by the WG29, sufficiently concrete and representative of a real and current interest. EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT. Within the framework of the purpose of electronic commerce, to manage the customer's data in order to proceed with the collection in the framework of an online purchase-sale. This is a contractual relationship to which the rules of private law apply, and if applicable, also the rules of consumer and user law.
Recipients of assignment.
The application uses third party services that may collect information to identify you and show you personalized ads according to your interests.
International Transfers
International transfers of your personal data will not be made.
According to the current legislation you have the following rights: - The right to request access to your personal data. - Right to request rectification or deletion. - Right to request the limitation of their treatment - Right to oppose to the treatment. - Right to the portability of data. To exercise your rights, you must contact the person in charge, requesting the corresponding form for the exercise of the chosen right. Optionally, you can redirect the interested party to the competent Control Authority to obtain additional information about your rights.